implicity |
You can manage your company's mail account at your convenience. We will offer you a WEB-BASE program to control the mail account.
xpansiveness |
You can have as much disk-usage as you wish. You can receive a mail which is larger than 10MB for free.
peed |
Your mail can be delivered very fast. By co-locating your mail server inside of our backbone, your mail will no longer be sharing EXA's server with other customers, which results in the accerelation of the mail delivery speed. ( especially for large scale Email ).
onitoring |
As the mail server is located inside of our backbone, EXA will be monitoring this server 24hours to make sure it is running in a perfect condition.
afety |
You will have the maximum security for your mail server.
lexibility of Web Server
(*optional service) |
In this server, you can put your company's homepage and enjoy the Java, cgi and the database system. It is especially effective for customers considering online commerce to be more competitive in this market. |